A former high school English teacher, I use my writing and teaching background to inform my visual communication decisions. My current interests include type, book, motion, and ix/ux design. (Yes, that's a serial comma.)
I've always been fascinated by stories--told in words, images, moving images: it doesn't matter. A good story will always be a good story, and a great story can remind us of our own humanity. And if you tell the right story at the right time, it's magic. Let me help you tell your story.
Significant Courses: Typography I and II, Advanced Graphic Design, Advanced Web Development, Motion Graphics for Film & Video, Book Design, Interface and Interaction Design, Special Topics: Designing Type
Significant Courses: Structure of Fiction, Structure of Verse, Contemporary Publishing, Seminar on Publishing
MAT in Secondary English Education; BA in English with Honors in Creative Writing minor
Manage advising-related college communications, both in print and online; Update college website using CMS & ensure accuracy of online messaging; Coordinate annual Merit Award event celebrating exceptional students; Redesigned Merit Award event materials
Reviewed over 300 submissions for biannual literary magazine; Communicated acceptances, rejections, copyedit queries & permissions with authors; Managed volunteer staff for copyediting & proofreading poems & stories; Copyedited content using Chicago Manual of Style & instructed volunteers in copyediting processes
Researched content management systems & wrote user guides for author websites; Designed e-book covers & example website for e-book author
Take a look at some of my recent work.
A print campaign and website for a non-profit program encouraging adults to volunteer in their neighborhood to read to children who may not often experience the joy of hearing stories aloud. The concept of the print campaign emphasizes that not only will the kids' worlds be widened, but the adults gain the opportunity to be reintroduced to their favorite childhood friends. See the case study.
The social media, online, and print advertising presence of the impresario for the Ballets Russes, as reimagined for the twenty-first century. Not only did Diaghilev bring Russian ballet to Europe, he also supported many of the artists, choreographers, and musicians who came to define modern art: Picasso, Bakst, Stravinsky, Fokine, Pavlova, Nijinska, and Balanchine all worked for Sergei's ballet company and benefitted from his artistic vision. If he were alive today, he would still be looking for what's next in the arts, music, and dance. Modeled slightly on the structure of Joseph Gordon Levitt's Hit Record, the Sergei Diaghilev artists collective would leverage technology and crowd sourcing to continue discovering new talent. See the case study.
Dubbing itself the "salon for dreamed ideas and elsewhere voices," Invisible Cities is a monthly gathering of artists, writers, musicians, and thinkers who enjoy discussing ideas. Named for the Italo Calvino novel of the same name, in which a fictional Marco Polo describes cities in more and more fantastic ways to Kublai Khan, the attendees similarly discuss questions of the imagination and the ways in which conversation and story-telling can also build worlds. As a nod to the title and the style of the novel, the salon's logo is always a spot varnish on its print materials, rendering it both visible and invisible, just as our thoughts are both real and not real. See the case study.
One of my responsibilities working in academic advising office of the Yale Gordon College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Baltimore is to coordinate the annual Merit Awards, which celebrate students with the most outstanding academic records in the CAS programs. I worked within the confines of the University's style guide, as well as the ceremony's traditional star theme and blue and gold color scheme, to create a more professional look for the print materials and the award certificates themselves.
Cover and interior design for the novel, The Heart of the Matter, by Graham Greene. A novel about the interior dissolution of a British man's morality, the style of writing is understated and quiet with a subtly ironic humor. It is a very English novel about the twilight of the British empire. The cover illustration includes vultures, a motif in the novel hinting at the looming destruction of the main character, and is a collage inspired in both color scheme and form by British and Russian posters from the era in which the novel is set. The headline typeface, Gill Sans, reflects the quintessentially English text.
An interactive application designed for tablets, this ebook can be experienced three ways. Prodigal Summer, by Barbara Kingsolver, is structured around three couples, with the chapter titles indicating which couple will feature in each chapter. In this experience of the novel, one can read the text linearly, just as with any e-reader; one can choose to read the chapters relating to one couple as a set; or one can use the Buzzfeed-style love quiz to determine which couple's story will probably be most satisfying, and begin with those chapters.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service conducts a survey every year of hundreds of thousands of waterfowl hunters...all on paper. As part of an Interface and Interaction Design course, we were tasked with developing best practice recommendations for the USFWS to implement in redesigning the survey to make data gathering and interpretation more efficient, to reach as wide an audience as possible, and to increase response rates. These images are from the final project document for my group, which I was responsible for writing and laying out, showing the user experience testing and paper prototype process that we used.
A typeface inspired by the writing style of Virginia Woolf's novel, Mrs. Dalloway comprises characters with individual details that add up to a coherent and structurally solid whole.
During the capstone course in the Publications Design program, groups of students develop the concept for a non-profit organization and create the creative/marketing department materials for that organization. My project idea for a creative reuse center was chosen for our group; over the semester, the organization developed into STEAMarts, which would hold free professional development workshops showing teachers how to use sustainable materials in their classrooms. We also provide the recycled materials, which are donated by local businesses. For the project, I created a comprehensive unit plan for a high school science class and contributed the motion graphics to our video. See the project website or download the entire unit plan.
A short story by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, "Eva is Inside Her Cat" features a stream-of-consciousness narrative in which the protagonist, desolate at the fading of her beauty, reaches out for a conscious connection to any living thing...and finds the only other consciousness nearby is the cat. Slipping into the cat's consciousness is at turns disturbing, exhilarating, and liberating for Eva, who as a human remembers often the tragedy that occurred at the roots of the orange tree outside her window. While shifting into the cat's mind, Eva's only reluctance is that she will no longer desire the taste of fresh oranges. The design of this booklet evokes the symbolic orange tree and reflects the almost-overwhelming beauty in Garcia Marquez's rich, ebullient language and style.
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